
The Message

Aesthetics are beside the point, until two to three layers of history has become a foundation for arenas of exploration.

My work seeks to find meaning embedded within, and inseparable from, their viscous surfaces. Paint begets illusion not by description, but by its chemical and physical reality. Beauty occurs at random, a residual effect of the medium in a delicate and childlike tension.

Playful unruly abstractions evoke the insatiable and unrepentant appetites of a ghost like nature. The surfaces of these painting's seem to enact the elemental processes of conversation, struggle, and adaption, making each substrate an arena of natural selection, each layer of pigment a new mutation consuming the last.

Each process finds parallels in the living world, resonating on both microscopic and cosmic levels, while kneeling to past life. Without any fixed context or sometimes content at all, my paintings become metaphors for any system under attack, proliferating with wider biological, technological, and cultural implications.

Any viewer may seek, but the alchemist only knows.